DURGA PUJA 2020: Stay Safe & Socially Distanced in the Age of New Normal

durgapuja Travel Guide 2020

About this blog: A guide to celebrate Durgapuja 2020 with essential tips of social distancing and safety protocols. That is if you are celebrating. If you are holding off the mass celebration for this year, and waiting for “Asche Bochor Abar Hobe” (next year, we will celebrate the festival of Durga Puja again), heartiest congratulations. […]

Bijoya Sammiloni: A Trip Down the memory lane with Food Spread and Familia!

Post Puja depression is a real thing in a Bengali’s lifespan. And whom to blame? In the dingy old alleys of Kolkata, the festivities bring is an unprecedented light. It ushers the old metropolis with a much-needed splurge of energy, a measure to sustain the ensuing mellow winter, cruel summer and deluge rendering monsoon! Pin […]

Kolkata Durgapuja: A Melancholy

If I have to tell you to come visit Kolkata, I need to tell you all about Durgapuja. All of it. The annual homecoming session is Durgapuja for the whole of Bengal. Hindu Bengalis believe the Goddess Durga takes a break from her household in Kailas and comes to her maternal home with four children. […]