Lau Chingri Recipe: Bengali style White Gourd with Prawns

During the period of Lockdown, I grew a garden at my apartment terrace. I hardly had time for rearing a new life otherwise but year 2020 is different. I breathe every moment and I find gratitude for the privilege, to sum it up in one sentence. Miracle happened when I spotted a new sprout of […]
Daab Chingri: cooking Prawns inside a Green Coconut, like a Bengali does!

Daab Chingri is a Bengali variant of prawns cooked in tender coconut. It is a classic coastal preparation. You may recreate this recipe with chicken. Daab Chingri as we call this mellow medley of slow cooked prawns and coconut meat, cooked inside a whole green coconut shell, is as authentic a Bengali dish can get. […]