ভারতের লবণ ভান্ডার কচ্ছের রাণ: কচ্ছ উপসাগরের মানসপুত্র

Rann of Kutch during Sunset

ছোটবেলায় ভূগোলের পাতায় পড়েছিলাম কচ্ছের রাণ সম্পর্কে। কচ্ছ উপসাগরের পার্শ্ববর্তী এই নুনের মরুভূমি খুবই আশ্চর্য এক ভূ-প্রাকৃতিক রূপ। বলা হয়, আলেকজান্ডার যখন ভারতবর্ষ আক্রমণ করেছিলেন, এই কচ্ছের রাণ কিন্তু তখন এক উত্তাল সমুদ্র, জাহাজে করে পেরোনো যেত। পরবর্তীকালে ভূমিকম্পের দরুণ মাটির নিচে টেকটনিক প্লেটের সংঘর্ষ ঘটে। কিছুটা ভূভাগ উপরে উঠে আসে, কিছুটা নিচে নেমে যায়। […]

25+ Movies Based on Greece that You should Watch before You Visit Greece!

Cinema as an influencing medium has had immense impact on mass psyche. It evidently plays a huge role in the whole making and unmaking process of a destination. In yesteryears, it had been travelogues. That remains true. But movie as a medium has evidently reached a greater population. Even before I had an iota of […]

5 Travel Destinations I would Visit if I win a Lottery

You might be either waiting for Friday to enjoy your weekend or planning out how to spend your Christmas and new year Holidays on a coastal hill station. Anyhow these short breaks are not enough for you to cope up with the mind. Your workaholic nature needs to be scattered to pop you out of […]

Different Activities You Should Try When Traveling to Southeast Asia

Karon view point, Phuket thailand

Southeast Asia is known for having the best beaches and islands and it is where you should go if you are a backpacker on a budget. However, there is more to the region than what has already been shared by many travellers. The entire Southeast Asian region is rich in history and culture, and it […]